@@ -1,46 +1,120 @@
<div style="display:none">
- <el-dialog v-dialogDrag title="任务进度查看" :visible.sync="visiable" width="1100px" top="calc(50vh - 400px)" append-to-body>
- <el-steps :active="stepsActive" finish-status="success" style="background:rgb(245, 247, 250);padding:10px 0;" align-center>
- <el-step title="工单登记" :description="stepsActive > 0 ? '(已派工)' : '(未派工)'" v-loading="loading" ></el-step>
- <el-step title="工单派工" :description="stepsActive >= 1 ? (stepsActive == 1 ? '(未开始)' : '(已开始)') : ''" ></el-step>
- <el-step title="工单处理" :description="stepsActive >= 2 ? (stepsActive == 2 ? '(未完成)' : '(已完成)') : ''" ></el-step>
- <el-step title="工单审核" :description="stepsActive >= 3 ? (stepsActive == 3 ? '(未审核)' : '(已审核)') : ''" ></el-step>
- </el-steps>
+ <el-dialog
+ v-dialogDrag
+ title="任务进度查看"
+ :visible.sync="visiable"
+ width="1100px"
+ top="calc(50vh - 400px)"
+ append-to-body
+ >
+ <el-steps
+ :active="stepsActive"
+ finish-status="success"
+ style="background:rgb(245, 247, 250);padding:10px 0;"
+ align-center
+ >
+ <el-step
+ title="工单登记"
+ :description="stepsActive > 0 ? '(已派工)' : '(未派工)'"
+ v-loading="loading"
+ ></el-step>
+ <el-step
+ title="工单派工"
+ :description="stepsActive >= 1 ? (stepsActive == 1 ? '(未开始)' : '(已开始)') : ''"
+ ></el-step>
+ <el-step
+ title="工单处理"
+ :description="stepsActive >= 2 ? (stepsActive == 2 ? '(未完成)' : '(已完成)') : ''"
+ ></el-step>
+ <el-step
+ title="工单审核"
+ :description="stepsActive >= 3 ? (stepsActive == 3 ? '(未审核)' : '(已审核)') : ''"
+ ></el-step>
+ </el-steps>
<div ref="gundong" style="margin-top:5px;" v-loading="loading">
<el-tabs v-model="first" type="border-card">
<el-tab-pane label="工单登记" name="first">
<tf-legend v-if="repairorderVo" label="工单信息" isopen="true" style="margin-top: 8px;">
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">工单编号:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['orderCode'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">工单来源:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['orderSource'] ? repairorderVo['orderSource'] + '工单' : '' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">维修类型:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['typeName'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">工单状态:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['state'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">维修数量:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['num'] || '' + (repairorderVo['unit'] || '') }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">完成数量:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['overNum'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">总完成率:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ (repairorderVo['percent'] || '0') + '%' }}</div></div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">工单编号:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['orderCode'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">工单来源:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">
+ {{ repairorderVo['orderSource'] ? repairorderVo['orderSource'] + '工单' : '' }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">维修类型:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['typeName'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">工单状态:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['state'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">维修数量:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['num'] || '' + (repairorderVo['unit'] || '') }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">完成数量:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['overNum'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">总完成率:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ (repairorderVo['percent'] || '0') + '%' }}</div>
+ </div>
<div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;">
- <span class="flexTitle" style="vertical-align: top;">详细说明:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['notes'] || '-' }}</div>
+ <span class="flexTitle" style="vertical-align: top;">详细说明:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['notes'] || '-' }}</div>
<tf-legend v-if="repairorderVo" label="派发情况" isopen="true" style="margin-top: 8px;">
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">开始时间:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['startTime'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">结束时间:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['endTime'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">是否派工:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isDispatching'] || '-' }}</div></div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">开始时间:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['startTime'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">结束时间:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['endTime'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">是否派工:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isDispatching'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
<!-- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">是否查收:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isread'] || '-' }}</div></div> -->
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">是否转发:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isrelay'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">是否驳回:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isrebut'] || '-' }}</div></div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">是否转发:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isrelay'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">是否驳回:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['isrebut'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
<tf-legend v-if="repairorderVo" label="工单审核" isopen="true" style="margin-top: 8px;">
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">审核意见:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditSate'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">审核人:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditUserName'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv"><span class="flexTitle">审核时间:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditTime'] || '-' }}</div></div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">审核意见:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditSate'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">审核人:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditUserName'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv">
+ <span class="flexTitle">审核时间:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditTime'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
<div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;">
- <span class="flexTitle" style="vertical-align: top;">审核说明:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditNote'] || '-' }}</div>
+ <span class="flexTitle" style="vertical-align: top;">审核说明:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ repairorderVo['auditNote'] || '-' }}</div>
@@ -48,82 +122,148 @@
<el-tab-pane v-if="repairUserVoList.length" label="个人工单">
<el-table class="mapTable" :data="repairUserVoList" border style="width: 100%;" height="230px" stripe>
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" />
- <el-table-column prop="respUserName" label="主负责人" show-overflow-tooltip/>
- <el-table-column label="协同处理人" show-overflow-tooltip >
+ <el-table-column prop="respUserName" label="主负责人" show-overflow-tooltip />
+ <el-table-column label="协同处理人" show-overflow-tooltip>
<template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.teamUserName || '-' }}</template>
- <el-table-column prop="state" label="工单状态" show-overflow-tooltip/>
- <el-table-column label="实际 / 核定用时" show-overflow-tooltip >
- <template slot-scope="scope">{{ (scope.row.realTime || '0') + ' / ' + (scope.row.ratifyTime || '0') }} H</template>
+ <el-table-column prop="state" label="工单状态" show-overflow-tooltip />
+ <el-table-column label="实际 / 核定用时" show-overflow-tooltip>
+ <template slot-scope="scope"
+ >{{ (scope.row.realTime || '0') + ' / ' + (scope.row.ratifyTime || '0') }} H</template
+ >
- <el-table-column label="所在片区" show-overflow-tooltip >
+ <el-table-column label="所在片区" show-overflow-tooltip>
<template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.regionName || '-' }}</template>
- <el-table-column label="完成时间" show-overflow-tooltip >
+ <el-table-column label="完成时间" show-overflow-tooltip>
<template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.overTime || '-' }}</template>
- <el-table-column label="实际 / 计划完成" show-overflow-tooltip >
- <template slot-scope="scope">{{ (scope.row.overNum || '0') + ' / ' + (scope.row.planNum || '0') + (repairorderVo['unit'] || '') }}</template>
+ <el-table-column label="实际 / 计划完成" show-overflow-tooltip>
+ <template slot-scope="scope">{{
+ (scope.row.overNum || '0') + ' / ' + (scope.row.planNum || '0') + (repairorderVo['unit'] || '')
+ }}</template>
<el-table-column label="操作" width="60">
<template slot-scope="scope">
- <el-button type="text" size="small" @click="jump(scope.row)" :disabled="!scope.row.TF_center">跳转</el-button>
+ <el-button type="text" size="small" @click="jump(scope.row)" :disabled="!scope.row.TF_center"
+ >跳转</el-button
+ >
<div ref="mapBox" style="margin-top: 8px;width:100%;position:relative;" />
<el-tab-pane v-if="repairRecordVoList.length" label="处理信息">
- <div style="width:calc(100% - 305px);float:left;max-height:380px;overflow: auto;">
- <div v-for="(item, index) of repairRecordVoList" :key="index" style="padding-right:8px;" >
- <tf-legend :label="'序号:' + (index + 1) + ' 处理人:' + '处理工单'" isopen="true">
+ <div style="width:calc(100% - 305px);float:left;max-height:380px;overflow: auto;">
+ <div v-for="(item, index) of repairRecordVoList" :key="index" style="padding-right:8px;">
+ <tf-legend :label="'序号:' + (index + 1) + ' 处理人:' + '处理工单'" isopen="true">
<div style="width:calc(100% - 210px);float:left;">
<div style="width:100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;"><span class="flexTitle">定位网络:</span><div class="flexInfo">
- <span>{{ [, 'GPS', '基站', 'WIFI'][item['network'] || 0] }}</span>
- <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" style="float: right;" @click="jump(item)">跳转</el-button>
- </div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;"><span class="flexTitle">口径:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ item['bore'] || 0 }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;"><span class="flexTitle">是否有效:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ item['flag'] || 0 }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;"><span class="flexTitle">片区名:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ item['regionName'] || 0 }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;"><span class="flexTitle">设备编号:</span><div class="flexInfo">
- <span>{{ item['repairDevice'] || 0 }}</span>
- <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" style="float: right;" @click="jump(item, true)">跳转</el-button>
- </div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;"><span class="flexTitle">详细说明:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ item['notes'] || '-' }}</div></div>
- <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;"><span class="flexTitle">地址描述:</span><div class="flexInfo">{{ item['address'] || '-' }}</div></div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">定位网络:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">
+ <span>{{ [, 'GPS', '基站', 'WIFI'][item['network'] || 0] }}</span>
+ <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" style="float: right;" @click="jump(item)"
+ >跳转</el-button
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">口径:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ item['bore'] || 0 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">是否有效:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ item['flag'] || 0 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:50%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">片区名:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ item['regionName'] || 0 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">设备编号:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">
+ <span>{{ item['repairDevice'] || 0 }}</span>
+ <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" style="float: right;" @click="jump(item, true)"
+ >跳转</el-button
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">详细说明:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ item['notes'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexDiv" style="width:100%;">
+ <span class="flexTitle">地址描述:</span>
+ <div class="flexInfo">{{ item['address'] || '-' }}</div>
+ </div>
- <div style="width:200px;height:200px;float:left;border-left: 1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255);margin-left:10px;padding-left:10px">
+ <div
+ style="width:200px;height:200px;float:left;border-left: 1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255);margin-left:10px;padding-left:10px"
+ >
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 4px 0;"><span>耗材处理记录</span></div>
- <div style="width:100%;overflow-y:auto;padding:8px;height:calc(100% - 28px);
- border:1px solid rgb(232,232,232);background:rgb(248,248,248);border-radius:4px;">
- <div v-for="(initem, index) of item['repairgoodsVoList']" :key="index" style="width:100%;
- padding:8px;border:1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255); border-radius:4px;">
- <div style="text-align:center;"><span>{{initem.materialTypeName}}</span></div>
- <div style="margin-top:8px"><span>材质:{{ initem['material'] || '-' }}</span></div>
- <div style="margin-top:5px"><span>数量:{{ initem['num'] || '-' }}</span></div>
- <div style="margin-top:5px"><span>口径:{{ initem['bore'] || '-' }} mm</span></div>
+ <div
+ style="width:100%;overflow-y:auto;padding:8px;height:calc(100% - 28px);
+ border:1px solid rgb(232,232,232);background:rgb(248,248,248);border-radius:4px;"
+ >
+ <div
+ v-for="(initem, index) of item['repairgoodsVoList']"
+ :key="index"
+ style="width:100%;
+ padding:8px;border:1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255); border-radius:4px;"
+ >
+ <div style="text-align:center;">
+ <span>{{ initem.materialTypeName }}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div style="margin-top:8px">
+ <span>材质:{{ initem['material'] || '-' }}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div style="margin-top:5px">
+ <span>数量:{{ initem['num'] || '-' }}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div style="margin-top:5px">
+ <span>口径:{{ initem['bore'] || '-' }} mm</span>
+ </div>
- </div><div style="clear:both;"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="clear:both;"></div>
<el-tabs v-model="first2">
<el-tab-pane label="维修前附件" name="first">
<div style="width: 100%;overflow-x:auto;padding-top: 8px;">
- <el-image v-for="(src, index) in oneSrcs[item.id]" :key="index"
- style="width: 150px; height: 120px" :src="src" fit="cover" :preview-src-list="[src]"></el-image>
+ <el-image
+ v-for="(src, index) in oneSrcs[item.id]"
+ :key="index"
+ style="width: 150px; height: 120px"
+ :src="src"
+ fit="cover"
+ :preview-src-list="[src]"
+ ></el-image>
<el-tab-pane label="维修中附件" name="second">
<div style="width: 100%;overflow-x:auto;padding-top: 8px;">
- <el-image v-for="(src, index) in twoSrcs[item.id]" :key="index"
- style="width: 150px; height: 120px" :src="src" fit="cover" :preview-src-list="[src]"></el-image>
+ <el-image
+ v-for="(src, index) in twoSrcs[item.id]"
+ :key="index"
+ style="width: 150px; height: 120px"
+ :src="src"
+ fit="cover"
+ :preview-src-list="[src]"
+ ></el-image>
<el-tab-pane label="维修后附件" name="third">
<div style="width: 100%;overflow-x:auto;padding-top: 8px;">
- <el-image v-for="(src, index) in threeSrcs[item.id]" :key="index"
- style="width: 150px; height: 120px" :src="src" fit="cover" :preview-src-list="[src]"></el-image>
+ <el-image
+ v-for="(src, index) in threeSrcs[item.id]"
+ :key="index"
+ style="width: 150px; height: 120px"
+ :src="src"
+ fit="cover"
+ :preview-src-list="[src]"
+ ></el-image>
@@ -133,7 +273,8 @@
<div style="width:300px;float:left;margin-left:5px;">
<div ref="mapBox2" style="margin-top: 8px;width:100%;position:relative;" />
- </div><div style="clear:both;"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="clear:both;"></div>
@@ -143,10 +284,9 @@
-import {IP} from '@/utils/request'
+import { IP } from '@/utils/request'
import request from '@/utils/request'
-import { loadModules } from 'esri-loader'
-import { esriConfig, appconfig } from 'staticPub/config'
+import { appconfig } from 'staticPub/config'
import tfLegend from '@/views/zhpt/common/TableLegend'
import nomalLegend from '@/views/zhpt/common/Legend'
export default {
@@ -168,17 +308,17 @@ export default {
first2: 'first'
- mounted(){
+ mounted() {
var div = this.$refs.cctvMap
var div2 = this.$refs.cctvMap2
- var mapV = this.mainMap = window.TF_mapView
+ var mapV = (this.mainMap = window.TF_mapView)
this.$parent.loadMissionInfo = this.showMissionInfo
- if(!mapV) return
- [div, div2].map((e, i) => {
- var view = this['mapView' + (i + 1)] = new mapV.TF_mapView({
+ if (!mapV) return
+ ;[div, div2].map((e, i) => {
+ var view = (this['mapView' + (i + 1)] = new mapV.TF_mapView({
container: e,
map: { basemap: mapV.map.basemap }
- })
+ }))
view.ui.components = []
view.constraints.lods = mapV.constraints.lods
@@ -187,28 +327,40 @@ export default {
showMissionInfo(id) {
this.visiable = true
this.loading = true
- this.first = this.first2 = 'first'
+ this.first = this.first2 = 'first'
this.$nextTick(() => this.loadInfo(id))
loadInfo(id) {
- var token = this.$store.state.user.token;
- request({ url: '/gps/repairorder/getPlanRepairOrderDetail/?flag=1&id=' + id, method: 'get' }).then(res => {
- this.$nextTick(() => this.loading = false)
- if(res.code != 1) return this.$message.error(res.message)
+ var token = this.$store.state.user.token
+ request({ url: '/gps/repairorder/getPlanRepairOrderDetail/?flag=1&id=' + id, method: 'get' }).then((res) => {
+ this.$nextTick(() => (this.loading = false))
+ if (res.code != 1) return this.$message.error(res.message)
res = res.result
this.repairorderVo = res.repairorderVo
this.repairUserVoList = res.repairUserVoList || []
- if((this.repairRecordVoList = res.repairRecordVoList || []).length) {
- for(var i=0,il=res.repairRecordVoList,ii=il.length;i<ii;i++) {
+ if ((this.repairRecordVoList = res.repairRecordVoList || []).length) {
+ for (var i = 0, il = res.repairRecordVoList, ii = il.length; i < ii; i++) {
var di = il[i]
- if((di.filePathOneList || []).length) {
- this.$set(this.oneSrcs, di.id, di.filePathOneList.map(e => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e))
+ if ((di.filePathOneList || []).length) {
+ this.$set(
+ this.oneSrcs,
+ di.id,
+ di.filePathOneList.map((e) => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e)
+ )
- if((di.filePathTowList || []).length) {
- this.$set(this.twoSrcs, di.id, di.filePathTowList.map(e => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e))
+ if ((di.filePathTowList || []).length) {
+ this.$set(
+ this.twoSrcs,
+ di.id,
+ di.filePathTowList.map((e) => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e)
+ )
- if((di.filePathThreeList || []).length) {
- this.$set(this.threeSrcs, di.id, di.filePathThreeList.map(e => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e))
+ if ((di.filePathThreeList || []).length) {
+ this.$set(
+ this.threeSrcs,
+ di.id,
+ di.filePathThreeList.map((e) => IP + '/base/file/loadImg?access_token=' + token + '&remotePath=' + e)
+ )
@@ -219,10 +371,10 @@ export default {
loadSteps() {
var info = this.repairorderVo
this.stepsActive = 0
- if(info.isDispatching == '未派工') return
- if(info.isread == '未查看' && info.overNum == null) return this.stepsActive = 1
- if(info.percent != 100) return this.stepsActive = 2
- if(info.state == '未审核') return this.stepsActive = 3
+ if (info.isDispatching == '未派工') return
+ if (info.isread == '未查看' && info.overNum == null) return (this.stepsActive = 1)
+ if (info.percent != 100) return (this.stepsActive = 2)
+ if (info.state == '未审核') return (this.stepsActive = 3)
this.stepsActive = 4
loadMap() {
@@ -230,7 +382,7 @@ export default {
var Graphic = mapV.TF_graphic
var div = this.$refs.cctvMap
var div2 = this.$refs.cctvMap2
- if(this.repairUserVoList.length) {
+ if (this.repairUserVoList.length) {
var view1 = this.mapView1
div.style.display = ''
@@ -240,37 +392,57 @@ export default {
var feas = []
var [mx, my] = [0, 0]
var num = 0
- for(var i=0,ii=list.length;i<ii;i++) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) {
var di = JSON.parse(list[i].lngLats) || []
var [x, y] = [0, 0]
- for(var j=0,jj=di.length;j<jj;j++,num++) {
+ for (var j = 0, jj = di.length; j < jj; j++, num++) {
var dj = di[j]
- mx += dj[0], my += dj[1], x += dj[0], y += dj[1]
+ ;(mx += dj[0]), (my += dj[1]), (x += dj[0]), (y += dj[1])
var geo = new Graphic({
geometry: { type: 'point', x: dj[0], y: dj[1], spatialReference: sp },
symbol: {
- path: 'M911.609756 399.609756c0 220.659512-399.609756 624.390244-399.609756 624.390244S112.390244 620.269268 112.390244 399.609756a399.609756 399.609756 0 0 1 799.219512 0z',
- color: '2D74E7', outline: { color: '2D74E7', width: '1px' },
- size: '30px', yoffset: '15px', type: 'simple-marker'
+ path:
+ 'M911.609756 399.609756c0 220.659512-399.609756 624.390244-399.609756 624.390244S112.390244 620.269268 112.390244 399.609756a399.609756 399.609756 0 0 1 799.219512 0z',
+ color: '2D74E7',
+ outline: { color: '2D74E7', width: '1px' },
+ size: '30px',
+ yoffset: '15px',
+ type: 'simple-marker'
- feas.push(geo, new Graphic({ geometry: geo.geometry, symbol: { type: 'text', color: 'white', font: { size: '14px', weight: 'bold' }, text: i + 1, yoffset: '15px', verticalAlignment: 'bottom' }}))
+ feas.push(
+ geo,
+ new Graphic({
+ geometry: geo.geometry,
+ symbol: {
+ type: 'text',
+ color: 'white',
+ font: { size: '14px', weight: 'bold' },
+ text: i + 1,
+ yoffset: '15px',
+ verticalAlignment: 'bottom'
+ }
+ })
+ )
- if(jj > 0) {
- x /= jj, y /= jj
+ if (jj > 0) {
+ ;(x /= jj), (y /= jj)
list[i].TF_center = new Graphic({ geometry: { type: 'point', x: x, y: y, spatialReference: sp } })
- if(num > 0) {
- mx /= num, my /= num
- view1.goTo({
- target: new Graphic({ geometry: { type: 'point', x: mx, y: my, spatialReference: sp }}),
- zoom: 0,
- }, { duration: 400 })
+ if (num > 0) {
+ ;(mx /= num), (my /= num)
+ view1.goTo(
+ {
+ target: new Graphic({ geometry: { type: 'point', x: mx, y: my, spatialReference: sp } }),
+ zoom: 0
+ },
+ { duration: 400 }
+ )
} else div.style.display = 'none'
} else div.style.display = 'none'
- if(this.repairRecordVoList.length) {
+ if (this.repairRecordVoList.length) {
var view2 = this.mapView2
div2.style.display = ''
@@ -281,79 +453,113 @@ export default {
var [mx, my] = [0, 0]
var num = 0
var pipe = []
- for(var i=0,ii=list.length;i<ii;i++, num++) {
- var di = list[i]
- mx += di.lgtd, my += di.lttd
+ for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++, num++) {
+ var di = list[i]
+ ;(mx += di.lgtd), (my += di.lttd)
var geo = new Graphic({
geometry: { type: 'point', x: di.lgtd, y: di.lttd, spatialReference: sp },
symbol: {
- path: 'M911.609756 399.609756c0 220.659512-399.609756 624.390244-399.609756 624.390244S112.390244 620.269268 112.390244 399.609756a399.609756 399.609756 0 0 1 799.219512 0z',
- color: '2D74E7', outline: { color: '2D74E7', width: '1px' },
- size: '30px', yoffset: '15px', type: 'simple-marker'
+ path:
+ 'M911.609756 399.609756c0 220.659512-399.609756 624.390244-399.609756 624.390244S112.390244 620.269268 112.390244 399.609756a399.609756 399.609756 0 0 1 799.219512 0z',
+ color: '2D74E7',
+ outline: { color: '2D74E7', width: '1px' },
+ size: '30px',
+ yoffset: '15px',
+ type: 'simple-marker'
di.TF_person = geo
- feas.push(geo, new Graphic({ geometry: geo.geometry, symbol: { type: 'text', color: 'white', font: { size: '14px', weight: 'bold' }, text: i + 1, yoffset: '15px', verticalAlignment: 'bottom' }}))
+ feas.push(
+ geo,
+ new Graphic({
+ geometry: geo.geometry,
+ symbol: {
+ type: 'text',
+ color: 'white',
+ font: { size: '14px', weight: 'bold' },
+ text: i + 1,
+ yoffset: '15px',
+ verticalAlignment: 'bottom'
+ }
+ })
+ )
pipe.push([i, di.repairLayer, di.repairDevice])
- if(num > 0) {
- mx /= num, my /= num
- view2.goTo({
- target: new Graphic({ geometry: { type: 'point', x: mx, y: my, spatialReference: sp }}),
- zoom: 0,
- }, { duration: 400 })
- this.$nextTick(_ => this.addPipe(pipe))
+ if (num > 0) {
+ ;(mx /= num), (my /= num)
+ view2.goTo(
+ {
+ target: new Graphic({ geometry: { type: 'point', x: mx, y: my, spatialReference: sp } }),
+ zoom: 0
+ },
+ { duration: 400 }
+ )
+ this.$nextTick((_) => this.addPipe(pipe))
} else div2.style.display = 'none'
jump(row, bool) {
- if(row.TF_center) return this.mapView1.goTo({ target: row.TF_center, zoom: Math.max(this.mapView1.zoom, 4), }, { duration: 400 })
- if(row.TF_geometry && bool) return this.mapView2.goTo({ target: row.TF_geometry, }, { duration: 400 })
- if(row.TF_person) return this.mapView2.goTo({ target: row.TF_person, zoom: Math.max(this.mapView2.zoom, 4), }, { duration: 400 })
+ if (row.TF_center)
+ return this.mapView1.goTo({ target: row.TF_center, zoom: Math.max(this.mapView1.zoom, 4) }, { duration: 400 })
+ if (row.TF_geometry && bool) return this.mapView2.goTo({ target: row.TF_geometry }, { duration: 400 })
+ if (row.TF_person)
+ return this.mapView2.goTo({ target: row.TF_person, zoom: Math.max(this.mapView2.zoom, 4) }, { duration: 400 })
addPipe(pipe) {
var mapV = this.mainMap
- var Graphic = mapV.TF_graphic
+ var Graphic = mapV.TF_graphic
var view2 = this.mapView2
var sp = view2.spatialReference
let seed = new Date().getTime()
this.seed = seed
var list = this.repairRecordVoList
var layer = {}
- for(var i=0,ii=pipe.length;i<ii;i++) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = pipe.length; i < ii; i++) {
var dp = pipe[i]
- if(layer.hasOwnProperty(dp[1])) layer[dp[1]].push({ sid: dp[2], index: dp[0] })
+ if (layer.hasOwnProperty(dp[1])) layer[dp[1]].push({ sid: dp[2], index: dp[0] })
else layer[dp[1]] = [{ sid: dp[2], index: dp[0] }]
- for(let i in layer) {
+ for (let i in layer) {
let pipes = {}
url: appconfig.gisResource.business_map.config[0].url + '/' + i + '/query',
type: 'POST',
data: {
- where: layer[i].map(e => { pipes[e.sid] = e.index; return "SID = '" + e.sid + "' " }).join(' or '),
+ where: layer[i]
+ .map((e) => {
+ pipes[e.sid] = e.index
+ return "SID = '" + e.sid + "' "
+ })
+ .join(' or '),
outFields: 'SID',
f: 'pjson'
success: (data) => {
- if(seed != this.seed) return
+ if (seed != this.seed) return
data = JSON.parse(data).features
var feas = []
- for(var i=0,ii=data.length;i<ii;i++) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; i++) {
var di = data[i]
var geo = di.geometry
- var symbol = geo.x ?
- { type: 'simple-marker', color: [200, 200, 200], size: 12, outline: { color: [0, 255, 255], width: 2 }} :
- { type: 'simple-fill', color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3], outline: { color: [0, 255, 255, 1], width: "7px" } }
- if(geo.x) geo.type = 'point'
- else if(geo.paths) geo.type = 'polyline'
+ var symbol = geo.x
+ ? {
+ type: 'simple-marker',
+ color: [200, 200, 200],
+ size: 12,
+ outline: { color: [0, 255, 255], width: 2 }
+ }
+ : { type: 'simple-fill', color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3], outline: { color: [0, 255, 255, 1], width: '7px' } }
+ if (geo.x) geo.type = 'point'
+ else if (geo.paths) geo.type = 'polyline'
else geo.type = 'polygon'
geo.spatialReference = view2.spatialReference
- feas.push(list[pipes[di.attributes.SID]].TF_geometry = new Graphic({
- geometry: di.geometry,
- symbol: symbol
- }))
+ feas.push(
+ (list[pipes[di.attributes.SID]].TF_geometry = new Graphic({
+ geometry: di.geometry,
+ symbol: symbol
+ }))
+ )
@@ -361,26 +567,24 @@ export default {
- destroyed() {
- }
+ destroyed() {}
-<style lang='scss' scoped>
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.flexDiv {
width: 33%;
min-height: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
margin-top: 10px;
+.flexTitle {
vertical-align: top;
min-width: 90px;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
+.flexInfo {
display: inline-block;
width: calc(100% - 90px);