@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
this.ajaxSend = new AjaxSend();
this.loadWait = this.AppX.runtimeConfig.loadWait;
if (this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.filterMapRQ.config.length > 0) {
- this.analyzeUrl = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.filterMapRQ.config[2].url;
- this.mapServerUrl = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.filterMapRQ.config[3].url;
+ this.analyzeUrl = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.filterMapRQ.config['filterMapRQ3'].url;
+ this.mapServerUrl = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.filterMapRQ.config['filterMapRQ4'].url;
} else {
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
- $('.planlinetype').multiselect({
- nonSelectedText: '请选择',
- enableFiltering: true,
- buttonWidth: '350px'
- });
+ $('.planlinetype').multiselect({
+ nonSelectedText: '请选择',
+ enableFiltering: true,
+ buttonWidth: '350px'
+ });
@@ -724,6 +724,282 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
+ queryPipes(geometry: any) {
+ var url = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.pipe.config[this.config.mapindex].url;//pipe
+ if (this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",").length > 1) {
+ var device_Type_Ids = this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",");
+ var forCounter = 0;//for循环计数
+ var forGpCounter = 0;
+ var layernameStr = [];
+ //var objectIdsStr = {};
+ var outfields = null;
+ this.objectIdsStr = {};
+ this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
+ for (let i = 0; i < device_Type_Ids.length; i++) {
+ var obj = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[i]);
+ var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
+ var where = obj.sqlfilter;
+ var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
+ cache: false,
+ async: false,//用同步请求来解决返回数据顺序问题
+ data: param,
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function (response) {
+ forCounter++;
+ if (response.error !== undefined) {
+ this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
+ return;
+ }
+ outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name });
+ if (!response.objectIds) {
+ //this.loadWait.hide();
+ //objectIdsStr[forCounter-1] = "无objectid"
+ //return;
+ } else {
+ var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter - 1]);
+ layernameStr.push(objid.cnContactLayerName);
+ //let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
+ this.objectIdsStr[objid.cnContactLayerName] = response.objectIds.join();
+ }
+ //let layerName = "";
+ if (forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length) {
+ this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ var objStr = "";
+ for (var i in this.objectIdsStr) {
+ objStr += this.objectIdsStr[i] + ";"
+ }
+ //this.objectids = data;
+ this.addData.objectIds = objStr;
+ //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ //
+ // } else {
+ // layerName = '管线';
+ // }
+ var options = {
+ "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
+ "objectids": objStr,
+ "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ };
+ var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ options,
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ //forGpCounter++;
+ if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ }
+ let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ for (let k = 0; k < device_Type_Ids.length; k++) {
+ var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
+ this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ }
+ //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "get",
+ dataType: "json",
+ url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ success: function (result) {
+ var pipeTypeLength = "";
+ if (result.value.result) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < result.value.result.summary.layersummary.length; j++) {
+ pipeTypeLength += result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].layername + ":" + result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].length + "米;"
+ }
+ this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(pipeTypeLength);
+ } else {
+ this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.message);
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ })
+ this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ this.addSelectItems_more(this);
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ }.bind(this),
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ }.bind(this),
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ console.error(jobinfo);
+ }.bind(this)
+ );
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ error: function (results) {
+ forCounter++;
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ return;
+ // forCounter++;
+ // //this.loadWait.hide();
+ // this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ // var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter-1]);
+ // if(forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length){
+ // this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ // for(var i in this.objectIdsStr){
+ // this.objectids += this.objectIdsStr[i]+";"
+ // }
+ // //this.objectids = data;
+ // this.addData.objectIds = this.objectids;
+ // //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ // // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ // //
+ // // } else {
+ // // layerName = '管线';
+ // // }
+ // var options = {
+ // "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
+ // "objectids": this.objectids,
+ // "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ // usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ // };
+ // var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ // options,
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ // this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ // }
+ // let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ // //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // for(let k =0;k<device_Type_Ids.length;k++){
+ // var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
+ // this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // }
+ // //this.gisUrlList[objid.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + objid.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // $.ajax({
+ // type: "get",
+ // dataType: "json",
+ // url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ // success: function (result) {
+ // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // })
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ // this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.addSelectItems_more(this);
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // console.error(jobinfo);
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // );
+ // }
+ }.bind(this)
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ var Material = this.domObj.find(".MATERIAL option:selected").val()
+ var obj = this.getDeviceType(this.addData.deviceTypeIds);
+ var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
+ this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
+ var where;
+ if (obj.sqlfilter) {
+ where = '(' + obj.sqlfilter + ')';
+ if (Material != '') where += ` and MATERIAL='${Material}'`
+ } else {
+ if (Material) where = `MATERIAL='${Material}'`
+ }
+ var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
+ cache: false,
+ data: param,
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function (response) {
+ if (response.error !== undefined) {
+ this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
+ return;
+ }
+ let outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name })
+ if (!response.objectIds) {
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
+ this.objectids = data;
+ this.addData.objectIds = _.join(this.objectids, ",");
+ //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ let layerName = "";
+ layerName = obj.cnContactLayerName;
+ // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ //
+ // } else {
+ // layerName = '管线';
+ // }
+ var options = {
+ "layername": layerName,
+ "objectids": this.objectids.join(","),
+ "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ };
+ var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ options,
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ }
+ let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "get",
+ dataType: "json",
+ url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ success: function (result) {
+ this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
+ }.bind(this)
+ })
+ this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ this.addSelectItems(this);
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ }.bind(this),
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ }.bind(this),
+ function (jobinfo) {
+ this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ console.error(jobinfo);
+ }.bind(this)
+ );
+ }.bind(this),
+ error: function (results) {
+ this.loadWait.hide();
+ this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ }.bind(this)
+ });
+ }
+ };
//设备选择 完成新增计划
initEvent4() {
if (this.addData.geoType == 1) {
@@ -967,280 +1243,282 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
geometry = geometryEngine.intersect(this.currentRegionPolygon, evt.geometry);
- var url = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.pipe.config[this.config.mapindex].url;//pipe
- if (this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",").length > 1) {
- var device_Type_Ids = this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",");
- var forCounter = 0;//for循环计数
- var forGpCounter = 0;
- var layernameStr = [];
- //var objectIdsStr = {};
- var outfields = null;
- this.objectIdsStr = {};
- this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
- for (let i = 0; i < device_Type_Ids.length; i++) {
- var obj = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[i]);
- var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
- var where = obj.sqlfilter;
- var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
- cache: false,
- async: false,//用同步请求来解决返回数据顺序问题
- data: param,
- dataType: "json",
- success: function (response) {
- forCounter++;
- if (response.error !== undefined) {
- this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
- return;
- }
- outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name });
- if (!response.objectIds) {
- //this.loadWait.hide();
- //objectIdsStr[forCounter-1] = "无objectid"
- //return;
- } else {
- var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter - 1]);
- layernameStr.push(objid.cnContactLayerName);
- //let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
- this.objectIdsStr[objid.cnContactLayerName] = response.objectIds.join();
- }
- //let layerName = "";
- if (forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length) {
- this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
- var objStr = "";
- for (var i in this.objectIdsStr) {
- objStr += this.objectIdsStr[i] + ";"
- }
- //this.objectids = data;
- this.addData.objectIds = objStr;
- //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
- // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
- //
- // } else {
- // layerName = '管线';
- // }
- var options = {
- "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
- "objectids": objStr,
- "outfields": outfields.join(","),
- usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
- };
- var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
- options,
- function (jobinfo) {
- //forGpCounter++;
- if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
- this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- this.dynamicMapServer = null;
- }
- let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
- for (let k = 0; k < device_Type_Ids.length; k++) {
- var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
- this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
- }
- //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
- $.ajax({
- type: "get",
- dataType: "json",
- url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
- success: function (result) {
- var pipeTypeLength = "";
- if (result.value.result) {
- for (let j = 0; j < result.value.result.summary.layersummary.length; j++) {
- pipeTypeLength += result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].layername + ":" + result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].length + "米;"
- }
- this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(pipeTypeLength);
- } else {
- this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.message);
- }
- }.bind(this)
- })
- this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
- this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
- this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- this.addSelectItems_more(this);
- this.loadWait.hide();
- }.bind(this),
- function (jobinfo) {
- this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
- }.bind(this),
- function (jobinfo) {
- this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
- this.loadWait.hide();
- console.error(jobinfo);
- }.bind(this)
- );
- }
- }.bind(this),
- error: function (results) {
- forCounter++;
- this.loadWait.hide();
- this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
- return;
- // forCounter++;
- // //this.loadWait.hide();
- // this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
- // var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter-1]);
- // if(forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length){
- // this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
- // for(var i in this.objectIdsStr){
- // this.objectids += this.objectIdsStr[i]+";"
- // }
- // //this.objectids = data;
- // this.addData.objectIds = this.objectids;
- // //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
- // // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
- // //
- // // } else {
- // // layerName = '管线';
- // // }
- // var options = {
- // "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
- // "objectids": this.objectids,
- // "outfields": outfields.join(","),
- // usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
- // };
- // var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
- // options,
- // function (jobinfo) {
- // if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
- // this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- // this.dynamicMapServer = null;
- // }
- // let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
- // //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
- // for(let k =0;k<device_Type_Ids.length;k++){
- // var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
- // this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
- // }
- // //this.gisUrlList[objid.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + objid.contactLayerId + "/query";
- // $.ajax({
- // type: "get",
- // dataType: "json",
- // url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
- // success: function (result) {
- // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
- // }.bind(this)
- // })
- // this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
- // this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
- // this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- // this.addSelectItems_more(this);
- // this.loadWait.hide();
- // }.bind(this),
- // function (jobinfo) {
- // this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
- // }.bind(this),
- // function (jobinfo) {
- // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
- // this.loadWait.hide();
- // console.error(jobinfo);
- // }.bind(this)
- // );
- // }
- }.bind(this)
- });
- }
- } else {
- var Material = this.domObj.find(".MATERIAL option:selected").val()
- var obj = this.getDeviceType(this.addData.deviceTypeIds);
- var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
- this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
- var where;
- if (obj.sqlfilter) {
- where = '(' + obj.sqlfilter + ')';
- if (Material != '') where += ` and MATERIAL='${Material}'`
- } else {
- if (Material != '') where = `MATERIAL='${Material}'`
- }
- var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
- cache: false,
- data: param,
- dataType: "json",
- success: function (response) {
- if (response.error !== undefined) {
- this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
- return;
- }
- let outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name })
- if (!response.objectIds) {
- this.loadWait.hide();
- return;
- }
- this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
- let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
- this.objectids = data;
- this.addData.objectIds = _.join(this.objectids, ",");
- //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
- let layerName = "";
- layerName = obj.cnContactLayerName;
- // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
- //
- // } else {
- // layerName = '管线';
- // }
- var options = {
- "layername": layerName,
- "objectids": this.objectids.join(","),
- "outfields": outfields.join(","),
- usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
- };
- var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
- options,
- function (jobinfo) {
- if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
- this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- this.dynamicMapServer = null;
- }
- let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
- this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
- $.ajax({
- type: "get",
- dataType: "json",
- url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
- success: function (result) {
- this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
- }.bind(this)
- })
- this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
- this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
- this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
- this.addSelectItems(this);
- this.loadWait.hide();
- }.bind(this),
- function (jobinfo) {
- this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
- }.bind(this),
- function (jobinfo) {
- this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
- this.loadWait.hide();
- console.error(jobinfo);
- }.bind(this)
- );
- }.bind(this),
- error: function (results) {
- this.loadWait.hide();
- this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
- }.bind(this)
- });
- }
+ this.queryPipes(geometry)
+ // return
+ // var url = this.AppX.appConfig.gisResource.pipe.config[this.config.mapindex].url;//pipe
+ // if (this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",").length > 1) {
+ // var device_Type_Ids = this.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",");
+ // var forCounter = 0;//for循环计数
+ // var forGpCounter = 0;
+ // var layernameStr = [];
+ // //var objectIdsStr = {};
+ // var outfields = null;
+ // this.objectIdsStr = {};
+ // this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < device_Type_Ids.length; i++) {
+ // var obj = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[i]);
+ // var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
+ // var where = obj.sqlfilter;
+ // var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
+ // $.ajax({
+ // type: "POST",
+ // url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
+ // cache: false,
+ // async: false,//用同步请求来解决返回数据顺序问题
+ // data: param,
+ // dataType: "json",
+ // success: function (response) {
+ // forCounter++;
+ // if (response.error !== undefined) {
+ // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name });
+ // if (!response.objectIds) {
+ // //this.loadWait.hide();
+ // //objectIdsStr[forCounter-1] = "无objectid"
+ // //return;
+ // } else {
+ // var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter - 1]);
+ // layernameStr.push(objid.cnContactLayerName);
+ // //let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
+ // this.objectIdsStr[objid.cnContactLayerName] = response.objectIds.join();
+ // }
+ // //let layerName = "";
+ // if (forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length) {
+ // this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ // var objStr = "";
+ // for (var i in this.objectIdsStr) {
+ // objStr += this.objectIdsStr[i] + ";"
+ // }
+ // //this.objectids = data;
+ // this.addData.objectIds = objStr;
+ // //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ // // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ // //
+ // // } else {
+ // // layerName = '管线';
+ // // }
+ // var options = {
+ // "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
+ // "objectids": objStr,
+ // "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ // usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ // };
+ // var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ // options,
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // //forGpCounter++;
+ // if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ // this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ // }
+ // let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ // for (let k = 0; k < device_Type_Ids.length; k++) {
+ // var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
+ // this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // }
+ // //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // $.ajax({
+ // type: "get",
+ // dataType: "json",
+ // url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ // success: function (result) {
+ // var pipeTypeLength = "";
+ // if (result.value.result) {
+ // for (let j = 0; j < result.value.result.summary.layersummary.length; j++) {
+ // pipeTypeLength += result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].layername + ":" + result.value.result.summary.layersummary[j].length + "米;"
+ // }
+ // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(pipeTypeLength);
+ // } else {
+ // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.message);
+ // }
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // })
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ // this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.addSelectItems_more(this);
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // console.error(jobinfo);
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // );
+ // }
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // error: function (results) {
+ // forCounter++;
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ // return;
+ // // forCounter++;
+ // // //this.loadWait.hide();
+ // // this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ // // var objid = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[forCounter-1]);
+ // // if(forCounter == device_Type_Ids.length){
+ // // this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ // // for(var i in this.objectIdsStr){
+ // // this.objectids += this.objectIdsStr[i]+";"
+ // // }
+ // // //this.objectids = data;
+ // // this.addData.objectIds = this.objectids;
+ // // //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ // // // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ // // //
+ // // // } else {
+ // // // layerName = '管线';
+ // // // }
+ // // var options = {
+ // // "layername": layernameStr.join(","),
+ // // "objectids": this.objectids,
+ // // "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ // // usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ // // };
+ // // var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ // // options,
+ // // function (jobinfo) {
+ // // if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ // // this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // // this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ // // }
+ // // let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ // // //this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // // for(let k =0;k<device_Type_Ids.length;k++){
+ // // var gpCounterId = this.getDeviceType(device_Type_Ids[k]);
+ // // this.gisUrlList[gpCounterId.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + gpCounterId.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // // }
+ // // //this.gisUrlList[objid.cnContactLayerName] = url + "/" + objid.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // // $.ajax({
+ // // type: "get",
+ // // dataType: "json",
+ // // url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ // // success: function (result) {
+ // // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
+ // // }.bind(this)
+ // // })
+ // // this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ // // this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ // // this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // // this.addSelectItems_more(this);
+ // // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // // }.bind(this),
+ // // function (jobinfo) {
+ // // this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ // // }.bind(this),
+ // // function (jobinfo) {
+ // // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ // // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // // console.error(jobinfo);
+ // // }.bind(this)
+ // // );
+ // // }
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // });
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // var Material = this.domObj.find(".MATERIAL option:selected").val()
+ // var obj = this.getDeviceType(this.addData.deviceTypeIds);
+ // var fields = this.getLayerShowFieldNames(obj.cnContactLayerName);
+ // this.loadWait.show("正在查询选择" + this.current_device_type_name + "信息,请等待...", this.domObj);
+ // var where;
+ // if (obj.sqlfilter) {
+ // where = '(' + obj.sqlfilter + ')';
+ // if (Material != '') where += ` and MATERIAL='${Material}'`
+ // } else {
+ // if (Material) where = `MATERIAL='${Material}'`
+ // }
+ // var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "returnGeometry": false, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(geometry), "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
+ // $.ajax({
+ // type: "POST",
+ // url: url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query",
+ // cache: false,
+ // data: param,
+ // dataType: "json",
+ // success: function (response) {
+ // if (response.error !== undefined) {
+ // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.Show("查询失败,请联系管理员");
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // let outfields = fields.map(e => { return e.name })
+ // if (!response.objectIds) {
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // this.gp = new Geoprocessor(this.analyzeUrl);
+ // let data = _.union(response.objectIds, this.objectids);
+ // this.objectids = data;
+ // this.addData.objectIds = _.join(this.objectids, ",");
+ // //此次gp服务,管线图层查询是传入图层名称必须是管线
+ // let layerName = "";
+ // layerName = obj.cnContactLayerName;
+ // // if (obj.cnContactLayerName.indexOf('管线') == -1) {
+ // //
+ // // } else {
+ // // layerName = '管线';
+ // // }
+ // var options = {
+ // "layername": layerName,
+ // "objectids": this.objectids.join(","),
+ // "outfields": outfields.join(","),
+ // usertoken: this.AppX.appConfig.gisToken
+ // };
+ // var delayResult = this.gp.submitJob(
+ // options,
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // if (this.dynamicMapServer) {
+ // this.map.removeLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = null;
+ // }
+ // let mapServerUrl = this.mapServerUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId;
+ // this.addData.gisUrl = url + "/" + obj.contactLayerId + "/query";
+ // $.ajax({
+ // type: "get",
+ // dataType: "json",
+ // url: this.analyzeUrl + "/jobs/" + jobinfo.jobId + "/" + jobinfo.results.summary.paramUrl + "?f=pjson",
+ // success: function (result) {
+ // this.domObj.find(".pipeTypeLength").text(result.value.result.summary.layersummary[0].length);
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // })
+ // this.dynamicMapServer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(mapServerUrl);
+ // this.dynamicMapServer.id = this.preLayerId + "dynamicMapServer";
+ // this.map.addLayer(this.dynamicMapServer);
+ // this.addSelectItems(this);
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.jobid = jobinfo.jobId;
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // function (jobinfo) {
+ // this.AppX.runtimeConfig.toast.show("分析失败,请联系管理员");
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // console.error(jobinfo);
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // );
+ // }.bind(this),
+ // error: function (results) {
+ // this.loadWait.hide();
+ // this.toast.Show("查询片区巡检信息出错!");
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // });
+ // }
@@ -1589,8 +1867,8 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
searchInfo: that.dataTable_all_searchInfo,//条件在不断变化,故需要有全局的条件监听
// displayTitle: ["部门", "姓名", "巡检名称", "巡检周期", "巡检类型", "所属片区", "计划开始时间", "计划结束时间", "创建人", "创建时间", "状态"],
// displayField: ["deptName", "userIdName", "description", "preiodName", "deviceTypeName", "regionName", "childBeginDate", "childEndDate", "createUserName", "createTime", "chilePlanStateName"],
- displayTitle: ["部门", "姓名", "巡检名称", "巡检周期", "巡检类型", "计划开始时间", "计划结束时间", "计划完成率(%)", "巡检模式", "创建人", "创建时间", "状态"],
- displayField: ["deptName", "userIdName", "description", "preiodName", "deviceTypeName", "childBeginDate", "childEndDate", "planRate", "modeName", "createUserName", "createTime", "chilePlanStateName"],
+ displayTitle: ["部门", "姓名", "巡检名称", "巡检周期", "巡检类型", "计划开始时间", "计划结束时间", "工作量", "计划完成率(%)", "巡检模式", "创建人", "创建时间", "状态"],
+ displayField: ["deptName", "userIdName", "description", "preiodName", "deviceTypeName", "childBeginDate", "childEndDate", "total", "planRate", "modeName", "createUserName", "createTime", "chilePlanStateName"],
extentDisplayTitle: ['定位查看'],
extentDisplayContent: [{
field: "planInfoLook",
@@ -1601,7 +1879,9 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
drawEvent: function () {
$.each(that.domObj.find("#planslist_table tr[class]"), function (index, item) {
- $($(item).find('td')[8]).text(that.dataTable_all.aExtentData.currentAllData[index].planRate + "%");
+ $($(item).find('td')[9]).text(that.dataTable_all.aExtentData.currentAllData[index].planRate + "%");
+ const row = that.dataTable_all.aExtentData.currentAllData[index];
+ $($(item).find('td')[8]).text(row.type == '1' ? row.total : row.pointNum);
that.domObj.off('click', '.planInfoLook').on('click', ".planInfoLook", e => {
if (that.dynamicMapServer) {
@@ -2345,7 +2625,7 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
var where = "1=1";
if (devicetype.sqlfilter != null && devicetype.sqlfilter.length > 0)
where += " and " + devicetype.sqlfilter;
- var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelContains", "returnGeometry": true, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(polygon), "returnCountOnly": true, "returnIdsOnly": false, "f": "json" };
+ var param = { "where": where, "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelContains", "returnGeometry": true, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "geometry": JSON.stringify(polygon), "returnCountOnly": true, "returnIdsOnly": true, "f": "json" };
type: "POST",
url: url + "/" + devicetype.contactLayerId + "/query",
@@ -2618,6 +2898,7 @@ class MissionSchedule extends BaseWidget {
// } else {
// }
+ that.queryPipes(mapPolygon) // 查询所有
if (that.addData.deviceTypeIds.split(",").length > 1) {
that.checkExistPlanDeviceByLayer_more(dom.data("geometry"), that.addData.deviceTypeIds + "", that.current_device_type_name);
} else {